If you’ve heard of dental implants, you’ve probably heard all about just how fantastic they are—due to their unique placement directly into the jaw, they’re capable of offering patients unparalleled oral health benefits. But in order to successfully integrate dental implants, patients must have adequate jawbone density to support them—and in some cases, a dental bone graft is the secret to ensuring this! If you’re slated to undergo a dental bone graft in preparation for dental implants, here’s more about what you can expect following the procedure along with some tips for setting yourself up for a smooth recovery.
What to Expect Following a Dental Bone Graft
As with any other type of dental surgery, you can expect to spend some time healing up after undergoing a dental bone graft. The recovery period can generally take anywhere from several months to upwards of a year or so, depending on factors such as the patient’s healing capabilities, the size and location of the graft and the severity of the case.
Immediately following your recovery, it’s not abnormal to experience symptoms including bruising or swelling in the face around the surgical site. You might also experience some sensitivity, and also numbness that’ll dissipate over time. It’s also important to keep in mind that the surgical site needs to be protected as it heals, which is part of why following your surgeon’s instructions closely is in your best interest.
Essential Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Recovery
There’s no reason to feel stressed or worried about recovering from a dental bone graft; though oral surgery might seem intimidating, ensuring a smooth recovery is quite straightforward. Consider the following tips to help you out:
- Get plenty of R&R (rest and relaxation) to assist your body with the healing process.
- Avoid strenuous physical activity for the first week following the procedure; this can increase the body’s blood flow and increase the likelihood of bleeding in the surgical site.
- Absolutely do not use any tobacco products including cigarettes; smoking is notoriously bad for your oral health and can greatly impede your body’s healing factor.
- Also adhere to the dietary guidelines provided by your oral surgeon, which include avoiding hard, crunchy, chewy, or spicy foods. Instead, stick to a soft-food and liquid-only diet.
- Use cold compresses/ice packs as needed for swelling near the surgical site.
- You can take your prescribed antibiotics and over-the-counter pain relievers as needed for pain and inflammation.
It’s also crucial to visit your oral surgeon for your regularly scheduled checkups throughout the healing process to ensure things are going as planned; given they performed the surgery, they’re the best person to guarantee that things heal up perfectly in preparation for your future dental implants.
About the Practice
Here at Winthrop Street Dentistry, nothing makes us happier than providing an elite level of dental care for patients and families in the Worcester, MA area! We’re thrilled to offer a wide range of services including restorative treatment options like dental implants. If you have missing teeth that you need to replace and are wondering if dental implants are a viable solution, don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about your options or to schedule a visit. Telephone: (508) 593-1261.